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sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2019

Future Intense - GOING TO


Welcome to my english blog:
Now we'll learn about the future intense going to, we use "be going to" when we want to talk about plans or intentions, things we decided to do.

Now we are going to learn how to form the affirmative form:
This is one way to write positive sentences, follow the grammar box and you'll see it's easy.

Second, we are going to learn how to form the negative form or to write a negative sentence:
This is other way to write negative sentences, follow the rule and you'll see it's easy.

Third, we are going to learn how to form the question form:
This is other way to make questions with the form going to, follow the rules and you'll see it's easy.

This is the grammar box, this is the summery about how to write all the forms:
Remember to use always this way and you will learn that this isn't difficult.

As you can see here, the formulation is very simple:
Consider it when trying the future intense...

This is only an example. When you are preparing some work about this future, follow this pattern and you'll have an easy way to make sentences.

Let's see other examples:

  • Dance a wedding waltz 

  • Be the princess at school 

  • Have a family dinner tonight

  • Pass to high school

  • Rain this afternoon

        a) Kathy and Teodoro / dance / a wedding waltz

P: Kathy and Teodoro are going to dance a wedding waltz.
N: Kathy and Teodoro aren't going to dance a wedding waltz.
Q: Are Kathy and Teodoro going to dance a wedding waltz?
A: Yes, they are.
     No, they aren't.

        b) Febe / be / the princess at school

P: Febe is going to be the princess at school .
N: Febe isn't going to be the princess at school .
Q: Is Febe going to be the princess at school?
A: Yes, she is.
     No, she isn't.

        c) We / have / a family dinner tonight

P: We are going to have a family dinner tonight.
N: We aren't going to have a family dinner tonight.
Q: Are we are going to have a family dinner tonight.
A: Yes, we are.
     No, we aren't.

        d) Puchulan /pass /  to high school

P: Puchulan is going to pass to high school.
N: Puchulan isn't going to pass to high school.
Q: Is Puchulan going to pass to high school?
A: Yes, he is.
     No, he isn't.

        e) In Moyobamba / rain / this afternoon

P: In Moyobamba is going to rain this afternoon.
N: In Moyobamba isn't going to rain this afternoon.
Q: Is in Moyobamba going to rain this afternoon?
A: Yes, it is.
     No, it isn't.

        f) I / pass / to high school next year

P: I am going to to high school next year.
N:  I am not going to high school next year.
Q: Am going to to high school next year?
A: Yes, You are.
     No, You aren't.

        g) You / be / the princess at school

P: You are going to be the princess at school.
N: You aren't going to be the princess at school.
Q: Are you are going to be the princess at school?
A: Yes, I am.
     No, I'm not.

Other examples:

1) I / buy / a car this week

2) You /  watch / a movie tonight

3) Heberth / travel / to moyobamba

4) My father / live / in a new house

Para más información sobre el futuro simple visite este enlace:


1.      Complete the sentences with to be going to and the verbs in brackets:

Example: We are going to cook (cook) dinner this evening.

a. Next summer, I           am going to travel                    (travel) to England.

b. My sister María            is going to live                       (live) in Madrid. 

c. They            Are going to play                          (play) tennis this afternoon. 

d. My father        is going to buy                            (buy) a new car.

e. Susan and David     are going to see                      (see) the film tonight. 

f. I        am going to visit                      (visit) the dentist tomorrow.

2.      Make questions with to be going to using these words and answer them in the negative form:

Example: Tony / read / this / book.

Is Tony going to read this book? No, Tony isn’t going to read this book.  

Are your friends going to listen to music?

a. Your friends / listen to music.

Are your friends going to listen to music?

No, your friends aren’t going to listen to music.


           b. Peter / wash / his car.

                Is Peter going to wash his car?
                No, Peter isn’t going to wash his car.

 She / write a letter.

Is she going to write a letter?

No, She isn’t going to write a letter.

d. Philip and Frank / have a birthday party. 

Are Philip and Frank going to have a birthday party?

No, Philip and Frank aren’t going to have a birthday party.

e. He / repair my bicycle.

   Is he going to repair my bicycle?

                     No, he isn’t going to repair my bicycle.

             f. Your grandparents /visit you / next weekend.

                     Are your grandparents going to visit you next weekend?
                     No, your grandparents aren’t going to visit you next weekend.

3.      Write the following words in the right order to form sentences with to be going to in affirmative, negative or interrogative:


Example: is / to / a / Fred / doctor / going / be.

                                           Fred is going to be a doctor. 

a.      to / am / dentist / the  / I / this / going / visit / afternoon.

I am going to visit the dentist this afternoon.


b.   swim / aren’t / They / to / going / tomorrow.     

They aren’t going to swimm tomorrow.


c.  her / paint / isn’t / to / room / going / She.    

She isn’t going to paint her room.

            d.   do / his / Philip / going / homework / is / to?  

Is Philip going to do his homework?


e.     am / not / I / to / France / going / travel / to. 

I am not going to travel to France.


f.   study / to / are / They / English / on / going / Monday.     

They are going to study English on Monday.


1-      Amy is going to call her friends tomorrow.
2-      I am not going to work in the USA.
3-      Sara is going to play volleyball this morning.
4-      My friends are going to visit their parents.
5-      Her family is going to dance tonight.
6-      Alva isn’t going to come to the party.
7-      Tom and Jerry are going to run in the living room.
8-      His cat isn’t going to drink milk.
9-      Peru is going to have a big monument this month.
10-   Pam is going to travel to Ica.
11-   Alonso isn’t going to walk to the park.
12-   Juki is going to jump for ten minutes.
13-   Peter and I are going to go to the doctor.
14-   Rachel isn’t going to talk by phone today.
15-   I am not going to dance to K-pop.
16-   His friends aren’t going to work this Saturday.
17-   Tomorrow is going to rain a lot.
18-   Ruth and Noemi are going to play checkers.
19-   My cat is going to sleep on the sofa.
20-   Steve and you are going to climb mountains.

Present continuous - negative form

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