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viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

The Indefinite Article (A, AN)

The Indefinite article "A" has two sounds or forms:

                                   1)  A "  for consonant sound: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, y, z

                                   2) AN "  for vowel sound: a, e, i, o, u


The indefinite article "A", it's used for some nouns in singular form. Let's see some rules and exceptions. 


  • "A" for the  singular form with consonants (un, una, uno)
            a cell phone
   a table
        a window
 a wall
          a chair     



  • "AN" for the  singular form with vowels (un, una, uno)

The indefinite article "AN", it's used for some nouns in singular form. Let's see some rules and exceptions.



 an office
    an article  
      an element
  an insect
             an umbrella     

Now Let's see some rules:
  • "A" for the  "UN" sound (yu)

                     a universal studio
     a unique
a unit
       a uniform
  a unite

  • "A" for the  "H" sound ( j )


 a hat    
           a harmonica
  a house
  • "AN" for the  "H" silent sound 

      an honor    
an heir 
 an hour
              an honest man



        a)  The indefinite article "a, an" has no plural form.
             I can't write and say like this.


                                                an cars
                                                a buses
                                                an chairs
                                                an umbrellas
                                                a boys

        b) The indefinite article "a, an" can't be used with adjectives.
               I can't write and say like this.


                                                    a tall  /  an tall
                                                    an interesting  /  a interesting
                                                    an excellent   /     a excellent 
                                                    an fabulous    /    a fabulous


Other uses of the indefinite article:

1) We use the indefinite article when we talk about professions.


                            A nurse
                            An architect
                            A lawyer
                            An electrician


2) We use the article when we have an adjective/noun compound.


                                     An excellent architect
A crazy fireman
An interesting class
                                    A tall man

3) We use "some" instead of the article (a/an) when we have an uncountable noun and the plural form.

     some chicken and (not a chicken)
     some cars are blue and (not a cars are blue)
     some people are dancing and (not a people are dancing)
     I need some water and (not I need a water)


We can not use articles with uncountables nouns and for the plural form, they have other way to work. 

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