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viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

The Definite Article (THE)

The article "THE" has two sounds:

                     1) THE (zda) for consonant sound, b, c, d, f...

                     2)  THE (zdi) for vowel sound, a, e, i, o, u

1) THE ARTICLE "THE" (zda)

  • 'THE' for the  singular form (la, el)

                                        the car
                                        the boy
                                        the house
                                        the city
                                        the computer

  • 'THE' for the plural form (las, los)

the cars
 the boys
     the houses
  the cities
          the computers

2) THE ARTICLE "THE" (zdi)

  • 'THE' for the  singular form (la, el)

   the apple   
     the orange  
        the elephant   
      the umbrella
      the icon       
  • 'THE' for the  plural form (las, los)

   the apples   
     the orange 
         the elephants   
      the umbrellas
    the icons    

  • Avoiding vowel disorder the(dza) by the(dzi) or the(dzi) by the(dza
    the actor
     the insect
the ox
    the igloo
    the oven

Other uses of the article "THE"

a) When we talk about some countries:


            The USA
            The United Kingdom
            The Dominican Republic

b) When we talk about small islands, rivers, :


            The Bahamas
            The Philippines
            The Emirates
            The King's Garden
            The Amazon river

c) We use "the" in the second sentences talking about a noun.


            Meat can be cook quickly. I see the meat is soft.
            I have some cookies. But the cookies is salad.
            My friend has coloring rabbits. The brown rabbit is beautiful.

d) We use "the" to talk about something specific.


            The blue one is nice.
            The man on the corner is sad.
            The green one is my favorite.
            The teacher is in the class.

1 comentario:

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