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jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

Simple Past Tense (Regular verbs)

SIMPLE PAST TENSE (regular verbs)

"Past and finished activities "

Hablamos del tiempo pasado cuando una acci贸n o actividad ha sido terminada en el pasado. Ahora usaremos verbos regulares. Los verbos regulares tienen un uso especial. Los verbos regulares usados con los pronombres obedecen algunas reglas. 

Trabajemos con algunos verbos regulares a quienes se les tiene que agregar este sufijo "ED" al final de los verbos.

Nota: Los verbos regulares usados en la forma negativa y en forma de pregunta no tienen reglas. Solo tener en cuenta sus auxiliares.

1) Open the door

2) Wash the dishes

3) Cry on the phone

4) Finish homework

5) Study languages

6) Fix the car

7) Watch a movie

8) Live in London

Reglas usadas para los verbos que ser谩n trabajados con estos pronombres: 
                        I, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU, THEY.

Cuando un verbo termine en esta forma, aplicar las reglas siguientes:

    1.) "e" add at the end of the verb "d". (si un verbo termina en "E", agregar solamente la "D" para formar el pasado.


dance   -      danced
live      -      lived
close    -      closed
love          loved

    2.) Letter "y" changes by "i" then add at the end of the verb "ed". (Si termina en "Y" cambiarlo por "I", luego agregar "ED")


study     -     studied
carry     -     carried
cry        -     cried
try            tried


    3.) any "consonant" add at the end of the verb "ed". (Si termina en cualquier consonante agregar solamente "ED")


work     -     worked
watch    -     watched
fix         -     fixed
paint     -     painted

   4.) "consonant", "vowel" and "consonant", double the last letter and add at the end of the verb "ed". (Si un verbo termina al final con la composicion "consonate - vocal - consonante", se duplica la ultima letra y se agrega "ED")


stop    -     stopped
log     -     logged
regret -     regretted
hug    -     hugged

  5.) "vowel" and "consonant y", forming diphthong only add at the end of the verb "ed". (Si termina en"vocal con "Y", solo se agrega "ED", no hay variaci贸n)


play     -     played
stay      -     stayed
pray     -     prayed
enjoy   -     enjoyed

Note: consonants are all letters less vowels and the rules are for the affirmative  form. Negative form and questions don't have rueles. These are the consonants: (b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z)

Let's see the subjects or pronouns and the conjugation with the verb studied:

I        STUDIED


Let's see:
                  S : Subject (sujeto o pronombre)
                  V : Verb (verbo en pasado)
                  C: Complement (idea que acompa帽a al verbo)

Formemos las oraciones con los pronombres dados de acuerdo a la formula:

         I, he, she, it, we, you, they 

Tambi茅n formemos las oraciones con los auxiliares: Didn't and Did

P: indica una oraci贸n afirmativa o positiva pero en tiempo pasado.
N: indica una oraci贸n en su forma negativa usando el auxiliar "DIDN'T", pero el   verbo vuelve a su forma positiva.
Q: indica como hacer una pregunta usando el auxiliar "DID".
A: indica como responder a las preguntas de forma breve.

P= Positive (affirmative)
N= Negative
Q= Question
A= Answers

Ahora formaremos oraciones en todas sus formas:


              Aldo / wash / the dishes

P: Aldo washed the dishes.
N: Aldo didn't wash the dishes.
Q: Did Aldo wash the dishes?
A: Yes, he did.
     No, he didn't.

Example 2:

                              I / live / in London

P: I lived in London.
N: I didn't live in London.
Q: Didlive in London?
A: Yes, you did.
     No, you didn't.

Example 3:

              Andrea / watch / a movie last night

P: Andrea watched a movie last night.
N: Andrea didn't watch a movie last night.
Q: Did Andrea watch a movie last night?
A: Yes, she did.
     No, she didn't.

Example 4:

                              My bothers / fix / the cars

P: My brothers fixed the cars.
N: My brothers didn't fix the cars.
Q: Did My brothers fix the cars?
A: Yes, they did.
     No, they didn't.

Example 5:

              My dog / open / the door

P: My dog opened the door.
N: My dog didn't open the door.
Q: Did My dog open the door?
A: Yes, it did.
     No, it didn't.

Example 6:

                              Kate and Robin / study / in USA

P: Kate and Robin studied in USA.
N: Kate and Robin didn't study in USA.
Q: Did Kate and Robin study in USA?
A: Yes, they did.
     No, they didn't.

Example 7:

                              You / finish / homework on time

P: You finished homework on time.
N: You didn't finish homework on time.
Q: Did You finish homework on time?
A: Yes, I did.
     No, I didn't.

Example 8:

                              You and me / cry / on the phone

P: You and me cried on the phone.
N: You and me didn't cry on the phone.
Q: Did You and me cry on the phone?
A: Yes, we did.
     No, we didn't.

Homework: Repeat the same as the other examples.

1) Fanny / wash / the bag

2) Jordy / dance / rock and pop

3) Thati / study / Italian

4) Nelly / fix / her car yesterday

5) You / finish / the homework on time

Para saber mas sobre verbos irregulares en tiempo pasado visita este enlace:

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

Tips for English

  • Tips for learning English:

  1. Speak English all the time.
  2. Read everything you see.
  3. Sing the best songs you like.
  4. Write your lovely ideas.
  5. Learn at least one phrase in English and
  6. Never disappoint of learning.

Try your best and get it...

馃憣 ✌ 馃憣

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

The Indefinite Article (A, AN)

The Indefinite article "A" has two sounds or forms:

                                   1)  A "  for consonant sound: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, y, z

                                   2) AN "  for vowel sound: a, e, i, o, u


The indefinite article "A", it's used for some nouns in singular form. Let's see some rules and exceptions. 


  • "A" for the  singular form with consonants (un, una, uno)
            a cell phone
   a table
        a window
 a wall
          a chair     



  • "AN" for the  singular form with vowels (un, una, uno)

The indefinite article "AN", it's used for some nouns in singular form. Let's see some rules and exceptions.



 an office
    an article  
      an element
  an insect
             an umbrella     

Now Let's see some rules:
  • "A" for the  "UN" sound (yu)

                     a universal studio
     a unique
a unit
       a uniform
  a unite

  • "A" for the  "H" sound ( j )


 a hat    
           a harmonica
  a house
  • "AN" for the  "H" silent sound 

      an honor    
an heir 
 an hour
              an honest man



        a)  The indefinite article "a, an" has no plural form.
             I can't write and say like this.


                                                an cars
                                                a buses
                                                an chairs
                                                an umbrellas
                                                a boys

        b) The indefinite article "a, an" can't be used with adjectives.
               I can't write and say like this.


                                                    a tall  /  an tall
                                                    an interesting  /  a interesting
                                                    an excellent   /     a excellent 
                                                    an fabulous    /    a fabulous


Other uses of the indefinite article:

1) We use the indefinite article when we talk about professions.


                            A nurse
                            An architect
                            A lawyer
                            An electrician


2) We use the article when we have an adjective/noun compound.


                                     An excellent architect
A crazy fireman
An interesting class
                                    A tall man

3) We use "some" instead of the article (a/an) when we have an uncountable noun and the plural form.

     some chicken and (not a chicken)
     some cars are blue and (not a cars are blue)
     some people are dancing and (not a people are dancing)
     I need some water and (not I need a water)


We can not use articles with uncountables nouns and for the plural form, they have other way to work. 

The Definite Article (THE)

The article "THE" has two sounds:

                     1) THE (zda) for consonant sound, b, c, d, f...

                     2)  THE (zdi) for vowel sound, a, e, i, o, u

1) THE ARTICLE "THE" (zda)

  • 'THE' for the  singular form (la, el)

                                        the car
                                        the boy
                                        the house
                                        the city
                                        the computer

  • 'THE' for the plural form (las, los)

the cars
 the boys
     the houses
  the cities
          the computers

2) THE ARTICLE "THE" (zdi)

  • 'THE' for the  singular form (la, el)

   the apple   
     the orange  
        the elephant   
      the umbrella
      the icon       
  • 'THE' for the  plural form (las, los)

   the apples   
     the orange 
         the elephants   
      the umbrellas
    the icons    

  • Avoiding vowel disorder the(dza) by the(dzi) or the(dzi) by the(dza
    the actor
     the insect
the ox
    the igloo
    the oven

Other uses of the article "THE"

a) When we talk about some countries:


            The USA
            The United Kingdom
            The Dominican Republic

b) When we talk about small islands, rivers, :


            The Bahamas
            The Philippines
            The Emirates
            The King's Garden
            The Amazon river

c) We use "the" in the second sentences talking about a noun.


            Meat can be cook quickly. I see the meat is soft.
            I have some cookies. But the cookies is salad.
            My friend has coloring rabbits. The brown rabbit is beautiful.

d) We use "the" to talk about something specific.


            The blue one is nice.
            The man on the corner is sad.
            The green one is my favorite.
            The teacher is in the class.

Present continuous - negative form

 PRESENT CONTINUOUS  NEGATIVE FORM To form the negative form of the present continuous, we have to add "not" to the main verb whic...

Simple past form (Regular verbs)